Customer satisfaction and loyalty of FMCG products are simply dependent on one factor – The quality of their products. A proper quality control process ensures high quality of consumer products, increased brand loyalty, word of mouth marketing, and overall improvement of NPS score.

But in most of the companies, the quality control process is not properly streamlined and they’re still keeping paper-based or excel records for audit purposes. This makes the process difficult to track, measure and analyze. Here is how digitization can transform Quality Control in your supply chain process and gain more insights about product quality.

Improve QC Auditor Efficiency. 

With proper track and scheduling features, QC Auditors can be notified of inspection form due dates and events. Audit forms and checklists can be digitized as customizable forms and this helps the employees to search and navigate through the forms quickly compared to paper-based or excel forms.

Digital forms can reduce a lot of manual data entry work by pre-filling them with relevant or connected data from other forms. Also, auditors can get smart assistance on the acceptance and rejection decision with custom business rules.

One-Click Report Generation

The Quality Control Teams often have to spend days to prepare reports for Auditing. Heavylifting of this cumbersome manual process is an importance advantage of digital Quality Management Systems. Once we configure the reporting logic for generating different compliance audits, the generation happens within seconds. This also reduces chances of errors that are common in manual approach.

Ensure Authenticity of Records

Quality Control is an important process where integrity of data is critical. With paper based or excel based approach, authenticity and integrity of data can be compromised. Using a digital QMS system allows you to protect the audit forms tamper proof using digital signatures. Once digitally signed by the QC verifier, the document cannot be modified by anyone else.

Leverage Data for Making Better Decisions

When you use a digital QMS system, all the captured data goes to a central repository. As we know already, leveraging data is the best way to make better decisions. Analysing different data points allows to take improved decisions on various areas such as – Supplier Ranking, Warehouse Utilization, Raw Material Shelf Life etc.

The data from the QMS can integrate with an analytics platform like PowerBI and it helps stakeholders to make proper decisions that improve product quality.

Integrations with Other Systems

One of the major difficulties in keeping the QC process manual but having ERP solutions for other processes in the supply chain is that it creates data redundancy. It also adds additional overhead in manually copying the data between systems which causes data to become out of sync quickly. This is an important factor that leads to incorrect data and reporting.

With a Digital Quality Management System, syncing data across several software systems becomes easier. It also helps to maintain a single source of truth across the organization.

Are you thinking to adopt digital QMS in your FMCG organization? Let’s explore our digital transformation services or send an email to to discuss how we can help you.

Logidots is an emerging digital product development company in India that works with digital decision-makers of enterprise companies to drive digital transformation and build mobile apps.

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